So, you walk into a bar or other social gathering and you spot an attractive female. You walk up to her and you try to start a conversation, when all of a sudden BOOM! Her uglier, and much meaner friend, whisks her away to the bathroom. Cock Blocked like a champ... It's happened to all of us and it sucks. However, take a step back a minute and think. This girl has no idea who you are. She's obviously not comfortable at this event alone or she wouldn't have a friend there with her. For all she knows, your a rapist and or, serial killer. Unfortunately, guys like Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez have made picking up women, even more difficult for us men. We have to come off confident and clever, while still trying not to look and act like a complete creeper. So what's the key to getting around the cock block? Well, actually, there are three.
Bring a Wingman
Have a Solid Ice Breaker
More often than not, women are on their guard from the get go. You may be attractive and suave, but if she's been hurt before it's going to be ten times harder to start a conversation. Have a solid ice breaker. And NO PICK-UP LINES! If you have to make something up, then do it. I know it sounds bad -starting off an relationship with a lie- but later on down the road, you can explain to her why you did it, and I'm sure she won't hold it against you. You can use one of mine. Try this. "Wow did you see that fight outside? The bouncer just beat the crap out of that guy!" Obviously, save this one for a bar setting, but it definitely gets her attention. Women love drama.
Be Genuine
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