
Sunday, February 20, 2011

"How to: Start a Conversation"

Allow me to preface this next bit of information with the following. There is no sure-fire, 100% guarantee, when it comes to meeting a person.  There's a lot of information out there on dating and meeting the right person, but obviously, people can't read.  This is why we have sites like, and .  What I'm about to tell you, you can find in almost any, mens magazine.  Our recommendation, is to talk to your closest girl "friend" about these things.  A Woman, is the best source of information about women...go figure?

So there you are, sitting at the bar.  A cute little lady walks in and glances over at you and for the briefest of moments, you feel a tickle of excitement.  She sits down across the room, alone, perhaps waiting for friends.  Now, is an ideal time to walk over and introduce yourself.  You tell yourself, that right now is not the right'll wait another 5 minutes, ya know, because, this isn't your song.  5 minutes eventually turns into an hour and by now her friends have shown up, making talking to her, even more difficult.  Eventually, the night ends and on her way out, sure enough, there's another glance in your direction, only this time, she's on her way out the door.

Has this happened to you? Ok, not exactly like that, but something similar?  That used to happened to me a lot.  Courage was not a strong personality trait for me when it came to women.  It takes a bold, and fearless man to strike up a conversation with a stranger, especially, when that stranger is a knockout. We've decided to start up a nice little section in this blog on "The How To's" of women to help guys like you out.  Today's, How-To....

   Unfortunately, after years and years of bad experiences, women are always on their guard when out.  Most men, are complete morons. Some men are complete douche-bags.  Whatever the case, when a woman only feels safe with pepper spray, there's something wrong with the world and news flash, it's not the ladies.  Sure, there are the occasional bitches out there.  However, don't let one bad apple ruin the experience for you.
   Men have been courting women since the dawn on time, so you know it can be done.  Keep in mind that there are roughly 4 Billion women in the world. If you screw this one up, you'll have a couple more chances, life will go on.  Here a few things to remember before you go rushing in there.

  • Stay Confident Women like confident men.  However, don't confuse confident with cocky or pompous. She wants you to be comfortable in conversation and prove to her, that your worth her time. And yes, you have to prove to her, that you are actually worth her time.  That's our job. Whether its a peacock flaunting it's feathers or a lion roaring it's heart out.  The males in almost every species of animal on the planet, must prove themselves to their mates. Stay Confident and you are off to a good start.
  • Pick-up Lines? Dear God No...  I have always hated the idea of a pick-up line. Perhaps, because 90% of the time, they DON'T work! Pick-up lines are cheesy and juvenile.  I will admit, that in some cases (if really clever) they can break the ice and you come off looking funny.  I still would advise against these 100%. 
  •  Ok, So Now what Smart Ass?  If you really want to start a conversation with a complete stranger, why not just say hi? You: 'Wait, what? That's ridiculous...say hi? That's too easy...its Brilliant!' Thank you...I know.  I've found, that being honest with a woman, is the best way to prove your intentions. Just be honest with her right off the bat.  You noticed her, thought she was beautiful and wanted an opportunity to buy her a drink and talk a bit.  I promise that this approach, will work a hell of a lot more, than a pick-up line. And I know she'll find it refreshing when a guy just comes out and just tells her what he's thinking.  If it doesn't work out and she's not interested, oh well.
  • I Crashed and what?  You do what countless men before you have done. You pick up your pride (or whats left of it) tell her it was nice meeting her (yes...remain a gentleman. You never know who's watching) and head back to your seat.  Who knows, women are very perceptive creatures fellas.  Someone may have seen your fail, but respected the way you handled the situation.  All women want is a good guy.  A six pack wouldn't hurt either, but we'll get to workouts later on. 
It seems way to simple I know, but here's a little insight on women.  They aren't really that complicated.  In the end we all want the same thing.  We want to find out  if there is someone out there made just for us.  If men and women would just be honest with each other, there would be no need for magazines like Cosmo, and no need for websites like eharmony. Couples counseling? Puh, out the window. Communication, Trust and Respect. Keys to a solid relationship.

Good Luck out there Gents.  Stay Confident, Stay Honest and Always a Gentleman.  Remember, if things don't work out the first time, keep trying. You'll find her.

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