
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valentines Day. Friend or Foe? It's Up to You!

Thanks to Hallmark and Chocolate makers, we men, have the most difficult holiday ahead of us. The dreaded Valentines Day. To women, its a day for flowers, candy and various gifts. For men, its a day that can make or break an entire relationship.  That is a lot of pressure for a guy to be under.  Sure, there are Birthdays, Anniversaries and Christmas, but these do not even touch on the guilt your significant other can make you feel, for messing up Valentines Day.  So, I've compiled a list of 5 keys to not screwing up this Valentines Day.

1) Plan Ahead!

Procrastinating your preparations for this Holiday, is the fastest way to end up in the dog house. Have a plan up to two weeks ahead of time.  You might be thinking, 'Guys, come on, two weeks? Seems like a bit much!'  Trust me, not only will you be more prepared for the Holiday, but your little lady will appreciate all the time you spent planning.  Perhaps, she will even show that appreciation...later in the evening, if you catch my drift.

2) Flowers and Chocolate...meh

Flowers and Chocolate are fine, but fine, is not what your lady is looking for. You may get away with giving her a bouquet and a heart shaped boxed of chocolate, but you do not want to just coast through this holiday.  Make sure you make the experience unique.

3) Cash for Ass...Not always

For some reason, we think that if we throw enough money at her, she'll put out.  News flash gents, your wife or girlfriend is not a stripper. And if she is, well, then she doesn't need you throwing money at her, she gets that for a living.  Try to incorporate something genuine into gift giving.  If you do purchase something for her, maybe, also write her a poem or make a scrap book. Ok, ok...I feel the glaring eyes... just hear me out.  You are going to have to step out of your comfort zone to put a smile on her face.  Trust me, women love when you've shown that you've thought ahead...Love It!

4) Be careful with Jewelery

 Jewelry can get a man in trouble.  If you are in a relationship for the long haul, make sure you pay close attention to this next piece of advice. Jewelry is like the epitome of gifts for most women.  It's also a mans bread and butter.  DON'T...I repeat, DON'T go buying her the most expensive piece of jewelry that you can afford. 1. She will know how much you paid for the jewlery (Googles a bitch and will tell her anything she wants to know) 2. You've now set the standard for next year.  Women will never say anything outright, but if you skimp on the following years can bet your left nut it's being noted. Do not fall into this trap. Work your way into a comfortable price range that you can gradually raise. Oh, and stay away from Wal-mart and stores like this for anything jewelry. ***Underspending is Faaaar worse, then Overspending***

5) Don't Skip It!

If you are in a relationship, you are obligated by your penis, to follow through with Valentines Day.  Do not for one second, presume you are coasting through this day.  If she says "don't worry about it" or "we can just hang out at home" she is lying to you. Don't fall for this. It's a test. I hope, you've already made plans. If you have not made plans, I recommend getting on your phone and trying to make something happen, last minute. I hope, you've read the first "no, no" in my list and you are not left on the couch for the night.

Bottom line, women love feeling appreciated and you need to look at this holiday, as another opportunity to show her just how amazing she is.  Good Luck men, I wish you all the best.

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